Users: This website is intended for the general public interested in the archeology of the parish of Hinton Parva and Bishopstone. Requirements: The website should display the data (sites) collected in the Philips and Boon Archeological Site Index. A user should be able to contact Phillips and Boon Archeology for further or more detailed information. The website should display the following disclaimer: "The information contained in this site is correct to the best of the knowledge of Phillips and Boon Archeology." The website should display a key clarifying the assocaition of each Era's assocaited colour. The user should able to filter the data by one or more historical Era. The user should be able to view all data associated with the displayed sites. Ordnace Survey API requirements from agreed terms and conditions The site must display their "Powered by OS" logo and copyright notice. Provide end user terms and conditions. Implimentation of requirements: The website should display the locations of sites in the index on a map (currently using Ordance Survey Map API). The map should display the location of each site with a marker in the colour assocaited with each Era (see website_mark_one.jpg for guide to design). The website should display lists of availblle filter options with checkboxes (highlighted selections) for multiple selection. The user should be able to view the data assiciated with each marker by clicking or hovering on the marker or alternatively displaying the data for all displayed sites. Definitons: "In product development, the minimum viable product (MVP) is a product with just enough features to gather validated learning about the product and its continued development." - Once the mvp is built we can launch it and have a pint. "An archaeological site is a place (or group of physical sites) in which evidence of past activity is preserved (either prehistoric or historic or contemporary), and which has been, or may be, investigated using the discipline of archaeology and represents a part of the archaeological record." -